The Darsh Nebula Forms

About a week ago, scientists began reporting major anomalies in Earth's magnetic field and old people reported feeling, "a bit sore about the knees." Yesterday it was discovered that these disruptions were due to the formation of a celestial body, now the closest of such bodies to the Earth. It stands a mere 4-hour drive from most theaters near you. Here are the first images coming out of what is now being called the Darsh Nebula taken by the Hubble Space Telescope throughout the early hours of yesterday morning. The most alarming news is that life has been discovered and photographed within the Darsh Nebula. Here are the first pictures to be released by leading scientists for the public to see.

This is the only existing picture of a single member of a community of seemingly sentient beings in the Darsh Nebula. This specimen is wearing his ceremonial "DARSH" hat. It seems to be commonplace that the S be written backwards. Hopefully we will discover more about the meaning of such symbolic headgear and such highly developed script.

This is a photograph of Red Dog, what seems to be staple source of nutrients for the Darsh people. Red Dog provides all of the energy and nutrients necessary for the Darsh people to sustain a life of notable happiness, productivity, and fulfillment.

All we can hope now is that the Darsh mean humankind no harm. More to come in the following days as we find out more.