Exodus and the Birth of the Spaint Crew

Last night our headquarters, a certain room 317, was raided by government agents. We fled through secret passageways as the agents entered the building and so we were able to escape but they seem to have found our trail and are in hot pursuit. Just before the raid, however, we received an email message from the Darsh King asking that we fix the phrase "a uniform white surface" in our last blog post to "a uniform whisper surface" as Whisper must never be referred to as white. At this point it seems our only option is to leave for the Darsh Nebula as they are the only ones able to correct us amiably and without threat of harm. The government agents will not pursue us to the Darsh Nebula and because they apparently have internet there and all the Red Dog required to sustain a happy and productive life it seems the only place to go in our exile.

Furthermore, for the purposes of acknowledging the relationship we all have as researchers and reporters with a common cause we have agreed to become known as the Spaint Crew (SPAce INTelligence) for as long as our services are required.

Our numbers are slim but our talent and our lust for knowledge are great. Wish us luck on our journey to the Darsh Nebula and we will report again when we locate a wi-fi hotspot or some other internet access point.

With gritted teeth,
Matt, Reporter/Blogger
Casey, Anthropologist
Nick, Hacker/Chef
Bridget, Vegan Chef/
Reggae Ninja, Security
Hootie, Literary Arts Specialist
Griffin, Dishwasher/Chemical Specialist
Dave, Lost
Nan, Brushwork
Julian, Style Specialist
and our fearless leader Mark 
and his fearless sidekick Kyle.