Further study of the Darsh people has led scientists to determine that they actually have a very highly developed society. Although not as highly developed as our own--as they possess lesser technology for example--they have both written and spoken languages very similar to English but with notable mutations and mutilations. The images that follow may give only a small bit of insight into what Darsh society is like, but scientists are not being allowed to release any more photographs to the public. These photographs, therefore, have been smuggled out of NASA labs at great risk and expense so the truth can be shown to the public.
Here is a container of a substance known solely as "Whisper," which the Darsh insist on covering most all surfaces with. Sometimes these surfaces are painted in multiple layers to ensure a uniform white surface is produced. It is being debated whether these containers are actually some form of fruit cultivated and harvested by Darsh farmers deep within the Nebula's core.
This image shows examples of Darsh art. It seems the Darsh like to spread the word of the Darsh through writing "DARSH" repeatedly over most any surface as well as painting portraits of clan members.
As the reporters and scientists working to get this information to the public despite government confidentiality, we may soon find ourselves pursued by the authorities. We will, however continue to post images and information as we receive it to keep the public informed about the Darsh Nebula and its inhabitants.