"I always thought that a little drinking improves my motor skills."
Psalm 100,000,000
Be still, ye young Darsh,
and know that the Darsh is One.
Nebula encompasses us all-
cradles us all in our darkest nights-
fills our mouth with Rog when it is dry-
places our quarters on the rim.
Let thy Whisper seek thy heart, Darsh.
Silent, clean, wholesome, and good-
and know that the Darsh is One.
Nebula encompasses us all-
cradles us all in our darkest nights-
fills our mouth with Rog when it is dry-
places our quarters on the rim.
Let thy Whisper seek thy heart, Darsh.
Silent, clean, wholesome, and good-
Whisper Temple
The above pictures were taken earlier today at an unidentified site somewhere in the upper Darsh Nebula. It seems the coating of inanimate objects in Whisper is some sort of way of thanking the Darsh for providing its people with their happiness and productivity and fertility and Red Dog and Whisper.
Darsh Temple
Above is a photograph of a Darsh temple made to honor one of their primary deities, the Darsh Darsh of Red Dog. You will see symbols and crushed beer cans play major roles in the final design of this temple.
Darsh Nebula Records
The Spaint Crew has recently found a hospitable record store by the name of "Darsh Nebula Records" which on its front door advertises the sale of "Soundscapes. Aural Experiments! Post-Apocalyptic Trip-Rap!! Nerd-Funk? and Massages Found Inside." We figured any humble business of this description must be a safe place to make camp and establish a base of operations for various reconnaissance missions.
The first bit of news since we set up camp here at Darsh Nebula Records yesterday is that the owner and proprietor of the unassuming vinyl outlet, a certain P.I. Red Dog, signed the unassuming college nerd-funk Porky's Groove Machine out of Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. After a late night listening session with Mr. Red Dog, in which members of the band (Casey, Nick, and Matt) played a sample of their live and studio recordings, he agreed to let us camp in the attic of his modest storefront as long as we released a sample of our live and studio recordings for the public to hear and appreciate. Click here to get some auditory and at least foot-tapping and head-bobbing stimulation from Porky's Groove Machine's latest EP of recordings of a sample of their performances so far this year.
Fountain of Youth
Whisper is the healing water of buildings.
With our brushes we cleanse our homes of the dirt and dust and wear of the past year
And bathe the walls just as our ancestors bathed the feet of their guests.
Methodically, continually, we clothe each room in a second skin,
Healing the wounds of time.
Where the salve of whisper is laid,
Youthfulness replaces senescence.
With our brushes we cleanse our homes of the dirt and dust and wear of the past year
And bathe the walls just as our ancestors bathed the feet of their guests.
Methodically, continually, we clothe each room in a second skin,
Healing the wounds of time.
Where the salve of whisper is laid,
Youthfulness replaces senescence.
Exodus and the Birth of the Spaint Crew
Last night our headquarters, a certain room 317, was raided by government agents. We fled through secret passageways as the agents entered the building and so we were able to escape but they seem to have found our trail and are in hot pursuit. Just before the raid, however, we received an email message from the Darsh King asking that we fix the phrase "a uniform white surface" in our last blog post to "a uniform whisper surface" as Whisper must never be referred to as white. At this point it seems our only option is to leave for the Darsh Nebula as they are the only ones able to correct us amiably and without threat of harm. The government agents will not pursue us to the Darsh Nebula and because they apparently have internet there and all the Red Dog required to sustain a happy and productive life it seems the only place to go in our exile.
Furthermore, for the purposes of acknowledging the relationship we all have as researchers and reporters with a common cause we have agreed to become known as the Spaint Crew (SPAce INTelligence) for as long as our services are required.
Our numbers are slim but our talent and our lust for knowledge are great. Wish us luck on our journey to the Darsh Nebula and we will report again when we locate a wi-fi hotspot or some other internet access point.
With gritted teeth,
Matt, Reporter/Blogger
Casey, Anthropologist
Nick, Hacker/Chef
Bridget, Vegan Chef/
Reggae Ninja, Security
Hootie, Literary Arts Specialist
Griffin, Dishwasher/Chemical Specialist
Dave, Lost
Nan, Brushwork
Julian, Style Specialist
and our fearless leader Mark
and his fearless sidekick Kyle.
Further Study
Further study of the Darsh people has led scientists to determine that they actually have a very highly developed society. Although not as highly developed as our own--as they possess lesser technology for example--they have both written and spoken languages very similar to English but with notable mutations and mutilations. The images that follow may give only a small bit of insight into what Darsh society is like, but scientists are not being allowed to release any more photographs to the public. These photographs, therefore, have been smuggled out of NASA labs at great risk and expense so the truth can be shown to the public.
Here is a container of a substance known solely as "Whisper," which the Darsh insist on covering most all surfaces with. Sometimes these surfaces are painted in multiple layers to ensure a uniform white surface is produced. It is being debated whether these containers are actually some form of fruit cultivated and harvested by Darsh farmers deep within the Nebula's core.
This image shows examples of Darsh art. It seems the Darsh like to spread the word of the Darsh through writing "DARSH" repeatedly over most any surface as well as painting portraits of clan members.
As the reporters and scientists working to get this information to the public despite government confidentiality, we may soon find ourselves pursued by the authorities. We will, however continue to post images and information as we receive it to keep the public informed about the Darsh Nebula and its inhabitants.
The Darsh Nebula Forms
About a week ago, scientists began reporting major anomalies in Earth's magnetic field and old people reported feeling, "a bit sore about the knees." Yesterday it was discovered that these disruptions were due to the formation of a celestial body, now the closest of such bodies to the Earth. It stands a mere 4-hour drive from most theaters near you. Here are the first images coming out of what is now being called the Darsh Nebula taken by the Hubble Space Telescope throughout the early hours of yesterday morning. The most alarming news is that life has been discovered and photographed within the Darsh Nebula. Here are the first pictures to be released by leading scientists for the public to see.
All we can hope now is that the Darsh mean humankind no harm. More to come in the following days as we find out more.
This is the only existing picture of a single member of a community of seemingly sentient beings in the Darsh Nebula. This specimen is wearing his ceremonial "DARSH" hat. It seems to be commonplace that the S be written backwards. Hopefully we will discover more about the meaning of such symbolic headgear and such highly developed script.
This is a photograph of Red Dog, what seems to be staple source of nutrients for the Darsh people. Red Dog provides all of the energy and nutrients necessary for the Darsh people to sustain a life of notable happiness, productivity, and fulfillment.
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